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How to pick colors for background and text font?

Use the below to pick colors for background and text font. A preview of the text and background color combination is given. The left color picker controls the background. The right color picker controls the text color.

What is CSS Color & Background color?

CSS color property is used to select the color of text, the color of the webpage’s background, and the color of the borders. Its syntax is given as color: [color code]/initial/inherit;. On the other hand, the background-color property specifies the background color of an element.

How do I change the background color of inline text?

To change the background color of the inline text, you would follow the same steps as you would above, except we'll be using the background-color property. Open up your CSS file, or locate your tags in the head of your HTML document. Locate your preferred CSS selector (such as your paragraph, link, or heading selectors).

How do I change the background color of an HTML element?

Here's a quick refresher, just in case: The CSS background-color property allows you to change the background color of an HTML element. You can set the background color for many elements, including a table, div, heading, and span element. When defining the color property, you should also define the background color.

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